Animal Research Revisited #418

April 21, 2017

This week we’re revisiting animal research. There's no denying animal research has done amazing things for both humanity and the animals we live and work with. But there are also good reasons why it makes people uncomfortable. We'll talk with philosopher John Hadley about the different philosophical perspectives on animal research, and how scientists might be more open about their practices. We'll also speak with philosopher Janet Stemwedel about current practices regulating research in the United States, how reducing animal use dovetails with issues of scientific reproducibility, and how we can have better, more productive conversations on what is often a hot button issue.

This episode is hosted by Bethany Brookshire, science writer from Science News.

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  • John Hadley
  • Janet Stemwedel
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Guest Bios

John Hadley

John Hadley is a senior lecturer in philosophy in the Western Sydney University School of Humanities and Communication Arts. He was formerly a lecturer in philosophy in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, and Lecturer in Communication Ethics in the School of Communication, Charles Sturt University. During his PhD candidature at the University of Sydney, John lectured in the philosophy department and was a guest lecturer for USYD Laboratory Animal Services. He has published on a wide range of topics in animal and environmental ethics, including recent papers on assisting wild animals in need, animal rights extremism, the reporting of animal research in the media, and the ethical limits of veterinary expenditure. In "Animal Property Rights: A Theory of Habitat Rights for Wild Animals" John explores the theoretical and practical implications of extending liberal property rights theory to animals.

Janet Stemwedel

Janet Stemwedel is Professor and Chair of the Department of Philosophy at San Jose State University, where her teaching and research focus on philosophy of science and ethical issues in scientific research. She earned PhDs in physical chemistry and philosophy, both from Stanford University. She has served as the "nonscientist" member of SJSU's IACUC since 2007. Her writing about the ethics and philosophy of science has been featured by outlets including Forbes, Scientific American, and