Effective Altruism #344
November 20, 2015

This week, we're learning how science can boost the effectiveness of philanthropy. We'll talk to philosophy professor William MacAskill about his book "Doing Good Better: Effective Altruism and How You Can Make a Difference." And we'll speak to education researcher Brendan Rigby about the ethics and impact of "voluntourism."
- William MacAskill
- Brendan Rigby
Featured Book

Doing Good Better: How Effective Altruism Can Help You Make a Difference
Guest Bios
William MacAskill
Will MacAskill is an Associate Professor in Philosophy at Lincoln College, Oxford, and author of "Doing Good Better: How Effective Altruism Can Help You Make a Difference". He also cofounded two non-profits: 80,000 Hours, which provides research and advice on how people can best make a difference through their career, and Giving What We Can, which encourages people to commit to give at least 10% of their income to the most effective charities. These organisations helped to spark the effective altruism movement.
Brendan Rigby
Brendan is a education specialist currently completing a PhD at the University of Melbourne’s Graduate School of Education. Brendan is studying the literacy practices of out-of-school children in Ghana, using participatory photography to document their transition through a Complementary Basic Education program into formal schooling. He is also the Managing Director and Co-founder of WhyDev.org, consultant for Plan International, Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority and UNICEF. Formerly, Brendan was an Education Officer with UNICEF in Ghana and Director of Venture Support for StartSomeGood.