Gift Giving For Nerds #346

December 04, 2015

Once again, we're here to help you with all your nerdy holiday shopping with our annual gift guide for science lovers. We brought in science librarian John Dupuis and Skepchick book club columnist Mary Brock who give us their top picks from 2015 that will make great additions to any nerd's library. And -- just to shake things up this year -- we spend the second half of the show with GeekWrapped's Simon Saval and Mad Art Lab's Courtney Caldwell, who give their recommendations for science-themed gifts you won't find in a library. And we'll speak to Skepchick founder Rebecca Watson about an exciting new partnership.

Visit our news section for the full book list with links. and the full non-book science-themed gift idea list with links.

Read the companion post on Skepchick.


  • John Dupuis
  • Mary Brock
  • Simon Saval
  • Courtney Caldwell
  • Rebecca Watson
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Guest Bios

John Dupuis

John Dupuis is a scholarly publishing librarian and engineering liaison at the Steacie Science and Engineering Library at York University in Toronto. John has a Masters of Library and Information studies degree, used to blog at Confessions of a Science Librarian, and currently writes the weekly-ish newsletter Covid is Not Over. His research and professional interests include science books, the future of academic libraries, open access advocacy, scholarly communications in computer science, and Canadian science policy.

Mary Brock

Mary Brock is a scientist who works in immunology. She loves reading books, particularly narrative nonfiction and Stephen King. She doesn't have enough time these days to watch all the movies she wants, but she does watch a lot of trailers. And her web browser usually has at least 30 tabs open, ostensibly to be read at an unknown time in the future. Mary is a contributor at Skepchick and co-founder of Grounded Parents, a sister site that focuses on the intersection of science, skepticism, feminism, and parenting.

Simon Saval

Simon Saval is an entrepreneur and investor living in Los Angeles. A native of Germany, he received his bachelor’s degrees in business and international relations from the University of Southern California. He is the founder and CEO of, the world’s largest curated collection of unique science gifts. The organization’s goals are to popularize science through products that stimulate the imagination and to raise money for national charities.

Courtney Caldwell

Courtney Caldwell is a communications professional by day, a writer for Skepchick and Mad Art Lab by night, and lover of all things geek! Follower her on Twitter at @caldwell_court.

Rebecca Watson

Rebecca leads a team of skeptical female activists at She travels around the world delivering entertaining talks on science, atheism, feminism, and skepticism. There is currently an asteroid orbiting the sun with her name on it.