Science Communication in Creative Places #576
October 19, 2020

When you think of science communication, you might think of TED talks or museum talks or video talks, or... people giving lectures. It's a lot of people talking. But there's more to sci comm than that. This week host Bethany Brookshire talks to three people who have looked at science communication in places you might not expect it. We'll speak with Mauna Dasari, a graduate student at Notre Dame, about making mammals into a March Madness match. We'll talk with Sarah Garner, director of the Pathologists Assistant Program at Tulane University School of Medicine, who takes pathology instruction out of the lab and on to Instagram, @passion4pathology, complete with dissections. And we'll hear from Vaughan James, a graduate student at the University of Florida, who decided to find out if hearing about science at a science fiction convention actually, well, made people like science any more.
Related Links:
- Mauna Dasari
- Sarah Garner
- Vaughan James
Guest Bios
Mauna Dasari
Mauna Dasari is a PhD Candidate in Dr. Elizabeth Archie's lab at the University of Notre Dame. She studies how the community of bacteria in the gut (or gut microbiome) changes as a host develops and ages using data from a wild population of baboons monitored by Amboseli Baboon Research Project. She has been contributing to Mammal March Madness as a scientist-narrator since 2017, and the lar gibbon will always be her "heart bracket" champion.
Sarah Garner
Sarah Garner is the founding Director of the Pathologists’ Assistant program and Gross Anatomy Laboratory Director at Tulane University School of Medicine and School of Science and Engineering. Sarah teaches anatomy, pathology, and histology to various levels of students at Tulane, as well as pathology residents and pathologists’ assistant students in surgical and autopsy pathology. Sarah shares her passion for teaching through her Instagram page @passion4pathology.
Vaughan James
Vaughan James is a PhD student at the University of Florida, where he studies the science of science communication. He received a Masters in Immunology from the University of Rochester in 2012, and in Mass Communication from the University of Florida in 2016. His research focuses on the intersection of science communication, identity, and (because he is a great big nerd) pop-culture, looking at the ways that using pop-culture spaces as venues for science communication might impact or foster a sense of scientific identity in audiences.