Science Journalism, Hold the Hype #537

October 11, 2019

Everyone's seen a piece of science getting over-exaggerated in the media. Most people would be quick to blame journalists and big media for getting in wrong. In many cases, you'd be right. But there's other sources of hype in science journalism. and one of them can be found in the humble, and little-known press release. We're talking with Chris Chambers about doing science about science journalism, and where the hype creeps in.

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This episode is hosted by Bethany Brookshire, science writer from Science News.


  • Chris Chambers
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Guest Bios

Chris Chambers

Chris Chambers' principal research interests include the use of brain stimulation (TMS, TES) and brain imaging techniques (fMRI, MRS, MEG) to understand cognitive control, attention and awareness in the human brain. He is especially interested in translational applications of cognitive neuroscience in the domain of obesity and behaviour change. His group is also working on the simultaneous combination of TMS and MRI, as well as technical advances in TMS methods to improve the precision and reliability of cortical stimulation. In addition to his core research programme in cognitive neuroscience he also pursues interests in the relationship between science and the media, the role of science in shaping evidence-based public policy, and the promotion of open scientific practices including data sharing and study pre-registration.