Superstorm #306

February 27, 2015

This week, we're exploring the evolving frontier of extreme weather, and how it's influenced by our warming planet. We'll talk about the largest Atlantic storm system ever recorded with writer Kathryn Miles, author of "Superstorm: Nine Days Inside Hurricane Sandy." And we'll talk about the relationship between climate change and hurricane strength and frequency with Christopher Landsea, Ph.D, Science and Operations Officer at NOAA’s National Hurricane Center.


  • Kathryn Miles
  • Christopher Landsea
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Guest Bios

Kathryn Miles

Kathryn Miles is the author "Superstorm: Nine Days Inside Hurricane Sandy". Her work frequently appears in Outside Magazine, Popular Mechanics, History and countless other publications. Miles currently serves as writer-in-residence for Green Mountain College and as a faculty member in Chatham University's low-residency MFA program.

Christopher Landsea

Christopher Landsea is the Science and Operations Officer at NOAA's National Hurricane Centre in Miami. In addition to forecasting and training duties, he is responsible for administration and evaluation of the Joint Hurricane Testbed projects which may be implemented operationally to assist in monitoring and forecasting hurricanes. Dr. Landsea's main expertise is in seasonal forecasting of hurricanes, in hurricane climate variability and change, and in testing applied research projects for possible use in weather forecasting.