The Last Nerd Gift Guide #641
December 16, 2023

Image from Thandy Yung
For the last time, Bethany and Rachelle skip gleefully across the world wide web, plucking nerdy objects out of obscurity to shine a spotlight on in hopes a few of these fascinating, delightful things find their way into the right kind of geeky forever-home. Maybe there's someone in your life one of these things would be perfect for, and we've just solved your holiday gift-buying dilemma! Maybe there's something in this list you fall in love with and pass along as ideas to people looking to buy gifts for you. Or maybe, just maybe, you decide it's time to get yourself a little something special. Because it's also ok to give ourselves a little delight now and then.
So grab a cup of tea, coffee, hot cocoa, cider, or other cosy holiday beverage and pull up our companion gift guide blog post so you can follow along with this last instalment of one of our favourite traditions here at Science for the People.
- Bethany Brookshire
- Rachelle Saunders